Home swapping

How To Home Swap The Right Way

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Traveling allows you to see the world from a different point of view — through different eyes. The experiences gained from traveling are invaluable, and they will stay with you forever. Everyone deserves a vacation, and what could be better than jet-setting to your dream destination? Well, the overwhelming excuse people have for not traveling is, “I can’t afford it.”

Traditional vacations are extremely expensive, and this fact alone prevents many people from traveling. You have to pay for flights, hotels, food, and a million other expenses that can add up to thousands of dollars. Even if you own your own vacation home, you likely aren’t saving much money after shelling out for the initial expense.  By the time you get back home, the mere sight of your account balance is enough to bring back all the stress that you just went on vacation to relieve — and that’s no fun. So, what are your options? Stay in one place forever? No. Find a smarter way travel on a budget? Yes.

home swapping

Home swapping

Home swapping is all the rage these days, and rightfully so, because it’s an ideal option for those who want to travel, but don’t want to be broke as a joke afterwards. If you’re wondering what in the heck home swapping is, then prepare for a treat because it could be just the thing to get you where you want to go.

Home swapping is pretty much exactly what it sounds like; you swap homes with another person or family for a chosen amount of time. You stay in their home and they stay in yours. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, yes and no. Home swapping is a worldwide trend, and people all around the globe are taking advantage of its money-saving benefits.

You live in New York and want to travel to Paris? Not a problem. Surely there is someone in Paris who dreams of vacationing in the golden state. Regardless of your destination, to make the most of your home swapping adventure, you have to do it right. So, before you excitedly hand over your house keys, you should take the following precautions to ensure your own safety and that of your home.

Beach house home swapping

Step 1 — Background Check Your Swapper

The very first thing you should do is background check the person you’re potentially going to swap homes with to ensure that a) they are a real person b) they don’t have a criminal record. Obviously you don’t want a criminal staying in your house, and don’t feel paranoid, because you know they’re sure as hell background checking you, too! It’s better to do this first rather than setting all your plans in stone and then running a background check. Background reports pull information from public records, so if any glaring red flags pop up, then you’ll know right away if the person is a no-go.

Step 2 — Skype Session

Ahhh, good old Skype. It’s a genius invention, and it’s a valuable tool when communicating with someone overseas. Once your swapper passes step one with flying colors, then it’s time to have a video chat session. Video chatting allows you to visualize the person who may be staying in your house, and it also legitimizes their identity.

Step 3 — Let Your Neighbors Know

Letting your neighbors know what’s going on is a must. Even if you don’t chat with them very often, neighbors are always watching, and they notice if something seems “off.” Imagine if strangers suddenly took up residency in your neighbor’s home . . . you would notice, right? Exactly. So keep your neighbors in the loop by letting them know that you’ve planned a house swap. The last thing you want is for them to call the cops reporting a burglary at your address.

Step 4 — Put Your Valuables In A Safe Place

Okay, so you’ve background checked your swappers and told your neighbors. Now, to get the ball rolling, you’ll have to put all of your valuables in a safe place, especially jewelry. You’re probably asking, “I already background checked them, and they’re not criminals, so why hide my valuables?”

Well, you’re going out of town (or the country) so it’s always best to put your most treasured items in a safe place. Your swappers might be trustworthy, but what if they meet friends and have them over? What if burglars see that you’re packing your bags and heading out of town, and then target your house for their next job? It’s just better to be safe than sorry, trust me.

Keep valuables safe when home swapping

Step 5 — Lay Some Ground Rules

By laying out some general rules, you can ensure that your home won’t become a free-for-all party house. If you don’t want parties, let your swappers know. If there are small children next door, let them know. Catch my drift? These people will technically be moving into your home (and your neighborhood), so it’s common courtesy to let them know what’s okay, and what’s not.

For example, if they learn that the couple next door has a newborn, then they’ll realize that they need to keep the noise down at night. Every neighborhood has specific details that only the residents know, so these details are essential for anyone who may be staying at your house.

Now, Go Enjoy Your Vacation!

Taking precautionary measures prior to your departure will allow you to protect yourself from anyone who could present a threat to you or your home. Traveling is supposed to be the experience of a lifetime, and no one wants to spend their vacation stressed about the well-being of their home. The steps above will ensure that you are choosing the right person to swap homes with, and in turn, your time away from home will be the dream vacation you’ve always wanted.

Author bio: Ashley Welter is a San Diego blogger who dreams of traveling the world. When she’s not planning her ultimate vacation, she writes about many topics including travel, crime, and safety tips. Updates on her latest blog posts are posted on Twitter.  She collaborated with Brett Robert on this piece.